Mark Polesky wrote Wednesday, December 09, 2009 9:05 AM

Wow. It's been just over 94 (and a half) *days* since my last transmission here. If > anyone is curious, I am still alive,

Hi Mark - good to hear it ;)

Which brings me to my question:

Currently there are 11 scripts for which 'quantize-position is set to #t (accent accentus circulus comma espressivo ictus marcato semicirculus staccato tenuto
varcomma). I used my handy ly:filter-alist procedure for this (see

#(display (ly:filter-alist default-script-alist 'quantize-position))

In case you didn't already know, quantize-position basically means "center this script vertically between two staff lines so it's close to the note head but not touching it". However, in common practice the accent and marcato marks are (more often than not) kept out of the staff entirely (see Kurt Stone, pp.5-6), ie.
quantize-position should not be set to #t for those two scripts.

It does seem to be the practice with Dover and Oxford.

Is this an oversight, or is there some reason for this? Would there be any opposition to removing the relevant lines in script.scm (currently lines 24 and

I wouldn't object, but we'd need a consensus from a
reasonable number of developers.

On a related note, the excellent solution* (by Mats) for controlling this individually for each script (using scriptDefinitions) should go into the docs, I
think. Are any of these places suitable?

1.3.1 Attached to notes
4.4 Placement of objects
5.4.2 Direction and placement

Not as direct text.  It would need to go in the LSR
and be tagged as "Expressive marks".


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