Carl Sorensen wrote:
> Have you considered whether "Using Git" should be an
> appendix?  To the extent that it's teaching about git,
> rather than about LilyPond, it might belong in an
> appendix.
> Maybe there should be a chapter called something like
> "Contributing patches" that mentions all the possible ways
> of contributing patches, and then appendices describing
> various ways (diff, git, lilycontrib.tcl).

Okay, I tried revising the structure to accommodate some
suggestions, but I can't find a way to move the Git stuff to
an appendix without creating awkward continuity issues.  For

These nodes could reasonably be moved to an appendix:
  Starting with Git
  Basic procedures
  Advanced procedures
    Git log
    Applying remote patches

But these LP-sepcific nodes would have to stay in chapters:
  Downloading branches
  Advanced procedures
    Working with remote branches (current 1.4.3)
    Pushing to

I imagine that this would lead to an annoying web of
cross-references, since someone new to Git who starts
reading the chapter `Using Git' would need to go to the
appendix for `Starting with Git', then back to the chapter
for `Downloading branches', then back to the appendix for
`Basic procedures', etc.

Because of this, I'd rather keep all the Git stuff together
in the same chapter (even if some of it isn't LP-specific).
So, how important is a Git appendix to you guys?  If it's
important, do you have any suggestions for resolving the
goose-chase problem?

Furthermore, I prefer the hierarchy of nodes when `Using
Git' is in its own chapter, ie. I don't want to squeeze all
of this into a single @unnumberedsubsubsec:

  Working with branches
  * Creating and removing branches
  * Listing branches
  * Checking out branches
  * Merging branches

Attached is the latest version of the index, hopefully
you'll see what I mean.  Let me know what you think.

- Mark

 1. Introduction to contributing
    1.1 Overview of tasks                          (`Help us')
    1.2 For beginners  [ better title? ]
    1.3 For developers [ better title? ]
 2. Working with source code
    2.1 Using the `lilycontrib' GUI
    2.2 Using Git
           ** put ref to Git appendix here? **
        2.2.1 Starting with Git
              * Installing Git
              * Initializing a repository
              * Configuring Git
        2.2.2 Downloading branches
              * LilyPond repository sources          (1.1.6)
              * The `master' branch                  (1.1.3)
              * The `lilypond/translation' branch    (1.1.4)
              * Other branches                       (1.1.5)
        2.2.3 Git on Windows
    2.3 Repository directory structure             (1.7)
 3. Compiling
    3.1 Installing build dependencies              (2.1.2)
        3.1.1 Using `build-dep'
        3.1.2 Requirements for compiling LilyPond
        3.1.3 Requirements for running LilyPond
        3.1.4 Requirements for building documentation
    3.2 Configuring `make'
        3.2.1 Creating generated files             (2.1.1)
        3.2.1 Running ./configure                  (2.1.3)
              * Configuring target directories
              * Configuring for multiple platforms
    3.3 Compiling LilyPond
        3.3.1 Using `make'                         (2.1.3)
    3.4 Post-compilation options
        3.4.1 Installing from source               (2.1.3)
        3.4.2 Generating documentation             (2.1.4)
                 (add @ref to building docs w/o compiling)
              * Building documentation
              * Installing documentation
        3.4.3 Testing LilyPond                     (2.1.5)
    3.5 Concurrent stable and development versions (2.2)
    3.6 Compiling on Windows                       (2.3)
 4. Documentation work                             (3)
    * `Building documentation without compiling' here?
 5. Website work                                   (4)
 6. LSR work                                       (5)
 7. Issues                                         (6)
 8. Regression tests                               (7)
 9. Programming work                               (8)
10. Release work                                   (9)
 A. Git tutorial 
    A.1 Basic procedures
        A.1.1 Staying current
              * Pulling                        (1.2.1, .2)
              * Resolving conflicts                (1.2.3)
        A.1.2 Working with branches                (1.4.2)
              * Creating and removing branches
              * Listing branches
              * Checking out branches
              * Merging branches
        A.1.3 Modifying source files
              * Making commits
              * Formatting patches                 (1.3.1)
    A.2 Advanced procedures
        A.2.1 Working with remote branches         (1.4.3)
        A.2.2 Git log                              (1.4.4)
        A.2.3 Applying remote patches              (1.4.5)
        A.2.4 Pushing to            (1.3.2)
    A.3 Other Git documentation                    (1.6)
 B. GNU Free Documentation License                 (A)

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