On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 03:15:06PM +0100, John Mandereau wrote:
> Another thing that we could do instead of creating another list is
> writing down as a specification (even written quite informally) the
> important changes already started i.e. the i18n of Texinfo, stuff
> specific to building the website on lilypond.org (all details that are
> independent of the build system), and switching the build system.

Nah.  If there had been a lot more interest in the newsletter
idea, then I might have gone along with this, but I just don't see
enough motivation.  At least, not in general.

> Of course, all this may not be worth the extra work, but looking back at
> my very little development experience (especially LilyPond-related), I
> believe it's worth trying it.  If there are no objections or better
> suggestions, I'm gonna start doing this for the translation
> infrastructure.

It could be worth it in specific areas, such as translation or
build system.  But only shared between those developers...  which
means, most of the time, only one person.  I've been keeping notes
on things to do for the main build system + website on paper for
ages; once I've done stuff, I add it to the CG.

If you want to share notes for the translation stuff, go ahead.
If you send some ideas to devel about translation build, I'll take
a look.  But I no longer think that any kind of grand framework to
keep track of proposals would be worth the trouble.

- Graham

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