On 2010.03.04., at 19:36, Patrick McCarty wrote:

> 2010/3/4 Harmath Dénes <harmathde...@gmail.com>:
>> Greetings all,
>> it's great to have a grammar of LilyPond in the NR! But there are terminal 
>> rules which are not strings (BOOK_IDENTIFIER, CHORD_MODIFIER etc.). Where 
>> can their definitions be learned?
> If you do a `git grep' for them in the source tree, you will see that
> many of these terminals come to life in the lexing stage.

I see. The -p option gives even more useful output.

> For example, BOOK_IDENTIFIER is the return value of
> Lily_lexer::try_special_identifiers() in lily/parser.yy, but only if
> its second argument is a Book smob.
> -Patrick

It's not exactly clear to me how lexing and parsing are related, since there 
are lexer rules (e.g. NOTENAME_PITCH) which can be set from Scheme code. Could 
someone shed a light on this?


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