Sending to list for completeness.

On 4/28/10 12:39 AM, "Mark Polesky" <> wrote:

> It struck me that there are more options for dealing with
> the "\relative inside \repeat" issue.  Can someone look over
> this to make sure I'm not doing anything sacrililygious?

In my opinion, the tone of your addition is more "Learning Manual" than
"Notation Reference".

I disagree with the idea that the simplest solution is to move the \relative
outside the \repeat.  This changes the music.


\relative c' {
  \repeat unfold 2  {
     c d e f g

as opposed to 

\repeat unfold 2 {
  \relative c' { 
     c d e f g 

The notes will be different in these two cases.

I think the simplest solution is to explicitly declare the Voice:

\context Voice {
  \repeat unfold 2 {
    \relative c' {
       c2 d

works just fine.   And this is a *consistent* solution.  Any time unexpected
staffs show up, the solution is to explicitly declare a Voice or a Staff.
SO I'd prefer to just teach the simple solution, and I'd probably move it to
the Troubleshooting section.  I don't think it's worth a section in repeats,
when the problem occurs in other places as well.

Perhaps we need a (sub)section in Notation on implicit Staff and Voice
creation that explains the LilyPond constructs that cause implicit Staff
creation so that users can know what to look for.



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