On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 10:02:35AM +0200, Joseph Wakeling wrote:
> On 06/22/2010 09:38 PM, Graham Percival wrote:
> > WTM are you talking about?  something like this:
> I'm talking about creating a 1-page quickstart readme guide, probably
> customized per platform, that would be _part of the install_ on
> platforms where people are used to GUIs.
> Example: Windows.  Add a Lilypond menu item.  Clicking on it loads the

Given that AFAIK, none of the active developers know where to find
the source repository for the windows lilypond editor, let alone
being at all familiar with that code, this is an extremely
ambitious project.

There's already one or two tracker items about the windows editor,
the source code for it, and ideas about a cross-platform
lightweight editor.  All those ideas require at least 30 hours of
work from a very skilled or motivated developer.  None of them are
going to happen in 2010.

> I'd just create a new page which gives the absolute, absolute minimum of
> information (edit file in text editor, open command line window, compile

So something like we already have on the download page?

Look, for better or worse, we have absolutely no resources to
spend on editor stuff (have you looked at the bug tracker
lately?!).  Feel free to suggest something to the lilypondtool or
frescobaldi people.

(for that matter: we don't even recommend that people use the gui
we provide; we heavily recommend stuff like frescobaldi and
lilypondtool instead, and those editors will have different steps
for compiling a file anyway!)

- Graham

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