I added the following to

I think this is a way to think about - could anyone suggest to a novice
schemer how this might be done ??

There is a quantity called "Global Groove Amount", and a setting that
controls whether it applies to syncopated eigths or syncopated sixteenths.
It is a number, from 0 to 100 (but most useful at and around 33), which -
for the eighth note example - is ignored on quarter note beats, but for
those syncopated eigth notes, displaces them later in time by the proportion
of 100 specified. Example: assuming 100 divisions per quarter note, the
syncopated eigth-note falls on 50 without swing, but with 33 groove factor,
the number 50 is increased 33%, and so becomes 66. Notes that are neither
exact eigth notes (which have full groove factor applied), or exact quarter
notes (which are unaffected by groove factor in eigth-note mode, much like
eigth-notes are unaffected in 'swing 16th' mode) can either be left
unaffected, or proportionally affected, dependent on a configuration
override (the default should be to leave them unaffected).

This would not require lookahead, or collision avoidance, just the ability
to determine whether a given musical event is a downbeat per that
swing-mode, and the ability to alter the displacement of the note by the
product of the groove factor and a number that indicates how off-the-beat
the note is already. The visual representation of the note should not be
altered, nor other elements moved around, this only need take effect on all
audible events in midi output. This feature is basically the rhythmic
equivalent of transposition- music written one way, and played another.. but
instead of translating in the pitch domain, we are scaling in the time
domain, modulo the distance from certain interval boundaries. I would
actually suggest calling this a Swing_Performer, available only for midi
layouts (I'm not sure i have my terminology right here, but that's the idea,
in the same way you can add and remove Dynamics_Performer for midi output)
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