On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 4:51 AM, Mike Solomon <mike...@ufl.edu> wrote:
> Hey all,
>    In compiling lilypond this morning, I saw this:
> font-metric.cc:82: warning: unused parameter 'k'
> Checking out the function in question, I saw this:
> Box
> Font_metric::get_indexed_char_dimensions (size_t k) const
> {
>  return Box (Interval (0, 0), Interval (0, 0));
> }
> Not knowing what this function is supposed to do, I am not sure if this is a
> problem, but if k is not necessary, perhaps:
> Box
> Font_metric::get_indexed_char_dimensions (size_t) const
> {
>  return Box (Interval (0, 0), Interval (0, 0));
> }
> would be better?

Yeah, these type of warnings show up once in a while.  Another one
appears when compiling pango-font.cc.

I'll fix them shortly.


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