On 8/13/10 9:50 PM, "Mike Solomon" <mike...@ufl.edu> wrote:

> Hey all,
> How's this as a simple example?
> I will likely be pressed for time over the next week as I start a new job (a
> teaching job in which one of the units will be on using Lilypond!). So,
> while I won't really be able to take the lead on this feature's
> documentation, I can certainly do guided and specific work that would
> contribute towards people's understand of these diagrams.  Specifically, if
> there's one person who'd like to work on the dox for this, I can be in touch
> with him or her directly about how this feature works.

I'll add woodwind diagrams to the documentation.  The docstring in  the file
is good enough to give me the information needed.

However, as I'm doing this, I'd like to request a change in the syntax.  I
think that size, thickness, and graphical should be properties, rather than
part of the argument string.  The nice thing about doing it that way is that
they can be defined *once* for an entire file, rather than having to be
defined in each separate diagram call.

Would you be willing (and able) to make that change?



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