File Documentation/notation/spacing.itely (right):
Documentation/notation/spacing.itely:1624: size) will always reset all
its default key-values.
On 2010/10/26 22:28:16, joeneeman wrote:
Everything from the subsubheading until here applies to
any grob property with an alist (eg. Beam 'details, Slur
'details, NonMusicalPaperColumn
'line-break-system-details).  It may be more appropriate
(long-term) to put this detailed discussion elsewhere.

Good idea.  Can anyone think of a good place for this?
On 2010/10/26 22:28:16, joeneeman wrote:
I find this wording a little confusing, since \override
VerticalAxisGroup #'next-staff-spacing ...  has a quite
different effect from \override StaffGrouper #'...

That is, overriding next-staff-spacing does not "override"
any StaffGrouper properties for the usual use of
"override" in lilypond.

I see.  What's a better way to word it?
Documentation/notation/spacing.itely:1679: either side.  Adjacent
staff-like contexts should have
On 2010/10/26 22:28:16, joeneeman wrote:
I'm not sure how precise you want to be here, but this
isn't quite true: if the upper staff, for example, has a
very low note then a lyrics line with CENTER affinity
might be placed closer to the lower staff.

Also, by "equidistant between the ... staves," you mean
"equidistant between the refpoints of the staves," right?

That's what I meant, but based on your previous statement, I
assume even that would be incorrect.  In fact, this is
clearly wrong, since the refpoints of the staves are the
midlines, right?  So is it centered between the skylines?

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