Am 27.10.2010 12:14, schrieb Valentin Villenave:
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Marc Hohl<>  wrote:
I know, most developers are extremely busy right now.

This particular feature isn't listed on the tracker, but since 2.14 will
a major change concerning the tablature handling, I think it is important
tablature should work properly out of the box.
I think we wouldn't want 2.14 to be released without your patch. I
have opened a tracker page about it:
Thanks, Valentin!
I haven't made this a Critical priority, but it might be appropriate
to raise the priority. I'm not sure; hopefully this will get reviewed
and approved even with the default priority.

Sorry for being too pushy, I know that there are more important things than
tablature around for now ...
Sometimes it's ok to be pushy -- and I'm way ahead of you in this regard :-)

Best regards,


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