Reinhold Kainhofer wrote Monday, November 08, 2010 12:09 AM
Am Sonntag, 7. November 2010, um 20:46:54 schrieb Trevor Daniels:
I think this would be an improvement, but I don't think it's
essential.  The file will be left in an erroneous state so
the user will be forced into further investigation anyway,
and the usual LilyPond error messages will indicate what is

Not necessarily. Some things like property names (e.g. I think we had this case with modifying text for spanner beginn/end) will not necessarily print an error or a warning. In these cases, if you don't save the convert-ly output somewhere you will not notice that anything is wrong possibly until a score
went to a publisher and it is too late...

In these cases perhaps it would be best to do as
Carl suggested and add a comment to the head of the
file, as well as sending a message to the console.

There might even be an argument for adding something
which made compilation fail - in a way that clearly
indicated the problem, of course.  When running
convert-ly on many files (like the LSR) inspecting
every file for a comment would be laborious, although
a simple script to look for the comment would be an


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