Reinhold Kainhofer wrote Monday, November 22, 2010 7:56 PM

Am Montag, 22. November 2010, um 18:57:01 schrieben Sie:
Would it not be better to define these properties using

\addInstrumentDefinition #"flute" ...

and then simply refer to "flute" in \cueDuring, as
\instrumentSwitch does?

Actually, quite often the cue text is not just the instrument, but something like "Str.". Also, depending on how long the cue notes are, one needs either "Tenor", "Ten." or "T." (all example from one of my recent scores, in particular during a fugue, when instruments set in at strange moments).

I think that's doable even with an instrument definition.

Use \addInstrumentDefinition to set up the default values
then individual values can be changed with \set and
restored to the default with \unset.  E.g.

\addInstrumentDefinition #"tenor"
 #`(( ... )
    (instrumentCueName . "Tenor")
    ( ... ))
... % use "Tenor"
\set instrumentCueName = "Ten."
... % use "Ten."
\unset instrumentCueName
... % use "Tenor"


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