On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 08:41:28AM +0000, Philippe Neyrat wrote:
> I'd like to know if you can use it on the repositories, in order to have
> files with md5sum hashes of the different versions of Lilypond.

Sorry, this would require a patch to GUB.  If you are not already
familiar with the system, it would take 10-20 hours to learn
enough about how it works to create such a patch.

At the moment, there seems to be a strong desire to get 2.14 out,
so I will not offer to create the patch myself (I estimate it
would be a 30-minute task for me); I will spend that time on
release-oriented tasks instead.  If this is still an open request
after 2.14 is released, I might look at it then, but I make no

> Don't forget to change the owner of the script as "root", and enable
> execution only for root...

I cannot think of any reason why such a script should require root

Sorry for the bad news,
- Graham

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