On 12/16/10 2:39 PM, "Carl Sorensen" <c_soren...@byu.edu> wrote:

> On 12/16/10 10:25 AM, "Graham Percival" <gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 09:52:07AM -0700, Carl Sorensen wrote:
>>> sorensen2:lilypond Carl$ find Documentation/ -path 'Documentation/snippets'
>>> -prune \
>>>> , -name '*.itely' | grep rhythms
>>> find: ,: unknown option
>>> It's the , in the find.
>> Could you try replacing it with an -o ?  apparently -or is not
>> posix compliant, but it doesn't say that -o  is not posix.
>> find Documentation/ -path 'Documentation/snippets' -prune -o -name
>> '*.itely' | grep rhythms
>> ... using -o instead of -or is one of the stupidest posixisms I've
>> heard of since "creat", but if it works I guess we just need to
>> grin and bear it.
> Works great:
> sorensen2:lilypond Carl$ find Documentation/ -path 'Documentation/snippets'
> -prune -o -name '*.itely' | grep rhythms
> Documentation//de/notation/rhythms.itely
> Documentation//es/notation/rhythms.itely
> Documentation//fr/notation/rhythms.itely
> Documentation//notation/rhythms.itely
> Documentation//out/rhythms.itely
> Documentation//out-www/rhythms.itely
> Documentation//snippets/rhythms-intro.itely

I also changed the line in scripts/auxiliar/update-with-convert-ly.sh, and
the script successfully ran on my Mac.

I haven't pushed the change to update-with-convert-ly.sh, because I wanted
to separate it, and I didn't want to risk breaking things in the build.



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