On 1/24/11 3:31 PM, "Benkő Pál" <benko....@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> please advise me about regression tests: can I modify ligatures within
>>> mensural-ligatures.ly?  if not, can I add new ones to the same file?
>> Ancient music has been abandoned by developers for a number of years.
>> IMO, you may do whatever you think makes the most sense as you try to
>> bring ancient music back into the mainstream of LilyPond development.
> I thought there might be a general policy about editing files in the
> regression suite.

As far as I know, the only policies we have about writing regression tests
are in the Contributors' Guide, section 10.8.2 Writing regression tests.

Regression tests should be as brief as possible to demonstrate the
functionality of the code.

Regression tests should generally cover one issue per test. Several short,
single-issue regression tests are preferred to a single, long,
multiple-issue regression test.

Use existing regression tests as templates to demonstrate the type of header
information that should be included in a regression test.

Sometimes a regression test is intended to show all possible functionality.
In such a case, an existing test should be extended to show the added

But where possible, we try to keep tests to a single issue.

Personally, I will trust your judgment in this case.  Do what seems best.



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