On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 05:12:56PM +0100, Federico Bruni wrote:
>    2011/1/28 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>
>      On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 08:42:01AM +0100, Federico Bruni wrote:
>      > IIRC, there is a kind of LilyPond foundation for that.
>      No there is *NOT* a kind of foundation for this.
>    I see... but I think I remember Jan saying that such a foundation
>    in Holland still exists. Well, I can't remember if it's really a
>    foundation or something else...

I remember that as well.  However, I do not know if it still
exists, I do not know if it is really a "foundation", in fact I
don't even know what a "foundation" is in the Canadian or UK or US
law system much less the Dutch one, I don't know if we want a
"foundation" or some other legal structure, I don't know if
citizens of other countries can be members of whatever legal
structure, and I don't even know if we want a legal structure at

I've also heard talk of a similar "entity" in France, but of
course all the above unknowns apply to that as well.

I think we should be cautious about any financial or legal
structures, and it's certainly not something that we're
well-prepared to discuss right now.  We would need much more
information about these kinds of legal entities, the relevant laws
of the relevant countries, etc etc.  Or maybe there's some
existing service / legal entity (maybe even run by the GNU
people?) that lots of open-source projects use?  If so, it might
be appropriate to use that instead of trying to "re-invent the

Off the top of my head, I'd expect about 15 hours of research,
followed by 20 hours of discussion.  I can't remember what I wrote
in the GOP policy list for this item.

- Graham

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