The NR, 1.2.6 Special rhythmic concerns, Grace notes, says:

"A \grace music expression will introduce special typesetting settings, for example, to produce smaller type, and set directions. Hence, when introducing layout tweaks to override the special settings, they should be placed inside the grace expression."

I was setting some Gondoliers music today, and this bit me. Grace notes also change the way voices are laid out, with the result that, where I wanted voiceOne to point up and voiceTwo to point down, the opposite happened with the result of some pretty much overlapping stems. I was wondering whether it should be reported as a bug when I looked for and found - "\voiceOne malfunction when used immediately before \grace". This has the workaround "If there is any note/rest between voiceOne and the grace command, everything works:"

This works sensationally as a workaround: see the attached image generated from the code below. Could I request we add this to the NR?

\new PianoStaff <<
 \new Staff = "Piano"
   \new Voice = "Upper" {
r8 r8 \voiceOne \acciaccatura { f''8 } e''8 r8 \acciaccatura { f''8 } e''8 r8 \acciaccatura { f''8 } e''8 \oneVoice r8 | r8 \voiceOne r8 \acciaccatura { f''8 } e''8 r8 \acciaccatura { f''8 } e''8 r8 \acciaccatura { f''8 } e''8 r8 \oneVoice
   \new Voice = "Lower" {
s8 s8 \voiceTwo \acciaccatura { f'8 } e'8 r8 \acciaccatura { f'8 } e'8 r8 \acciaccatura { f'8 } e'8 \oneVoice s8 | s8 \voiceTwo r8 \acciaccatura { f'8 } e'8 r8 \acciaccatura { f'8 } e'8 r8 \acciaccatura { f'8 } e'8 r8 \oneVoice

Phil Holmes
Bug Squad

<<attachment: VoiceConfusion.png>>

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