On Thu, 17 Feb 2011 21:58:28 -0800, <percival.music...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2011/02/18 05:43:36, Keith wrote:
The extra complication, for which the care was given, makes the system
more difficult to learn, understand, use, and repair.

Unfortunately, I believe that the extra complication is necessary.  The
commit message didn't clarify the background or our previous discussions
on the topic, but it boils down to composers wanting to distinguish
between cis+1/4 and cisis-1/4

I read the emails, and understand wanting cisih distinct from cisiseh.
The current representation can store them as distinct pitches :
   -isih = 1/2 + 1/5  = 7/10
   -isiseh = 1/2 + 1/2 - 1/5 = 8/10
This would be consistent with notations (extended Helmholtz-Ellis) that use 
natural-up to represent a pitch somewhat flatter than sharp-down.

The only request I saw for cisiseh and cisih to be in some sense the 'same 
pitch', was for transpositions.  The request 
(http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2009-04/msg00649.html) is for :
    \transpose c cih { cisih } == cisis
and analogously
    \transpose c cis { cisis } == dis

Neither the current representation, nor the patch's, makes the identities above 
happen.  Either would need (later) a different flavor of \transpose that 
'normalizes' (and maybe rounds) its output, to serve the equal-temperament 
users, while the current \transpose serves the just-intonation camp.

NB: most requests were for *arbitrary* tunings, such as 31-tone or IIRC
even 78-tone.

There current system has no trouble representing 66 pitches in an octave in 

In the end, I'm a physicist, and pitch is a scalar, so a one-dimensional 
real-valued representation seems wisest to me.

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