On Sat, Apr 02, 2011 at 10:06:43PM -0400, m...@apollinemike.com wrote:
>    Weird...I'm not sure why ours would segfault in one place whereas yours
>    would hit an assertion error in another.

Well, I didn't enable debug stuff in configure, so I'm certain why
*I* didn't see any assertion errors.  :)

> This bug is listed as critical under the assumption that
>    there should be no segfaults in lilypond resulting from 3 lines of code
>    (lily segfaults all the time when I accidentally feed her a PDF file
>    instead of a .ly file, but I don't consider this to be a bug). However, if
>    you feel that it should be downgraded to high, I could do that as well.

I think it should be downgraded to low.  If we allow scheme, then
it's impossible to make lilypond always produce either a message
or output (the famous halting problem).  I admit that this
particular example uses an override rather than explicit scheme,
but I think the same principle applies -- the user is trying to do
something weird/unusual, so let's not panic when things go beserk.

Let's compromise on Medium.  :)

>    In this case, it seems that the ideal behavior would be to have the stems
>    reach down to the asymptotic point to which stems converge as their note
>    heads get smaller and smaller (try overriding the notehead stencil to be
>    progressively smaller boxes and you'll wee what I mean).


> I have no clue
>    where in the code this would need to be implemented, though. I can do this
>    task if no one else can, but I'm currently slammed w teaching, moving, and
>    composing for a series of gigs, so if someone else has the hour or two
>    it'd take to propose a non-kludgy solution (I agree that mine is a
>    kludge), please do!

I'll move it into an enhacement in the mean-time.

- Graham

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