I know these rules. They will always be LilyPond's default behavior.
What I meant is "if someone want to change this (for contemporary music
or anything else), it doesn't have to be difficult to do".

If we want to create a non-standard capability, it would seem to me
that the
user-settable property should be some kind of alist, rather than a

Yes, that's what I meant : an alist of durations (or duration-logs) and
a boolean.
Because for now, when one sets use-breve-rest in a measure longer than a
whole and shorter than a breve, a breve is engraved.
It's only for this purpose that I suggested to add a boolean.

If you feel strongly enough about having this capability to code it,
certainly willing to review patches, as long as the current behavior

If you agree with what I just said, I'll start to implement it.


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