> I've attached an email which explains a similar problem
<Attached email>

Path-mtu-discovery is described in rfc-1191 and some problems with it
in rfc-2923. The symtoms described in <attached email> is matches
"black hole" in rfc-2923.

It should be wholly agnostic to the "git fetch --depth 1" vs.
"git clone" choise. The "black hole" problem happens only for large

If it is the "black hole":

The best fix is to correct your router, setting the mtu in the router
might be a solution for that, but your router should return
a proper icmp error response (ICMP Destination Unreachable messages
with a code meaning "fragmentation needed and DF set") if the packet is
too large. Make sure the router and your host don't filter out thoose
icmp packets.


The second best is to send smaller packets from your host going through
that route. This can be set with 

 route del default gw <your router>
 route add default gw <your router> mss <some value>

where mss = maximum segment size. A good first try is MTU - 80, see 
rfc-879 for details.

/Karl Hammar

Aspö Data
Lilla Aspö 148
S-742 94 Östhammar
+46 173 140 57

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