Janek Warchoł wrote Monday, June 13, 2011 2:51 PM

2011/6/13  <tdanielsmu...@googlemail.com>:

a) It would be better to honour the value of 'gap if this
is set by the user, rather than change a specifically
requested gap value.

My rationale is that it wouldn't make sense to set a big gap and
really want to have it applied to all ambituses. Consider the

\new Staff \with { \consists Ambitus_engraver } {
   \override Staff.AmbitusLine #'gap = #0.7
   c' g'
\new Staff \with { \consists Ambitus_engraver } {
   \override Staff.AmbitusLine #'gap = #0.7
   a a''

While gap=0.7 works fine for big ambituses (one can easily imagine
that a user may wish such a value), the ambitus of sixth looks
ridiculous without any line inside. I suppose that if someone would
like that "look", he would probably switch the line off entirely.
And for small gap the effect is almost unnoticeable.

Your algorithm is fine as the default behaviour, but it does remove the ability for a user to precisely set the gap he wants by setting 'gap, for whatever reason. This seems counter to Lily's flexible user control, but I don't feel too strongly about it. If this is implemented the description
of 'gap will have to be changed to explain this.

b) I don't understand why quanting is desired. An ambitus
doesn't align with anything. What is your reason?

I thought that it's best if ambitus line eihter ends precisely inside staff line, or protrudes from it distinctly. In other words, i judged
\new Staff \with { \consists "Ambitus_engraver" }
   { \override Staff.AmbitusLine #'gap = #0.3 c' b' }
doesn't look nice.
Ofc i'm aware that this is perhaps as nitpicky as it can go :D

OK. It is! :) Does it scale correctly with large and small values of
global staff-size?


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