On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 06:02:54PM +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011, 16:22:14 schrieb Phil Holmes:
> > to the end of the call.  > redirects output.  $*.log expands to
> > filename.log (in this case key-initial.log - this expansion is a make
> > feature).  2>&1 sends error and normal output to the same place.
> Hmm, doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of error messages?

GUB does something like
  error = process(cmd, log_filename)
  if error:
    print "something went bad in", cmd
    process("tail " + log_filename)

I really like that system -- you get a small glimpse of what went
wrong, but you still have the entire file there for your viewing
(that's particularly useful for me, since my general reaction when
something breaks is to look at a few directories, which 1) is
completely useless, and 2) scrolls the actual error messages out
of the xterm history!)

I have no clue how to achieve this kind of thing in make, though.

> Hiding all error messages together with the progress messages is throwing out 
> the baby with the bath water (as we say here in German).

Exactly the same phrase in English!  We probably stole it from
you.  :)

- Graham

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