Graham Percival writes:

> I think we need to go here.

No.  There will be no progress, warning or error messages to stdout.

> 3. do we believe in the general unix statement "no news is good
> news", in which case why does "lilypnond" spam out 16 lines
> of text?  (regardless of whether that spam happens on stderr or
> stdout or stdstrangequark)

I used that to try to make the distinction clear.  We're past
that stage, and it is not uncommon to print progress messages
to stderr so that the user knows what's going on.  A --quiet
flag could be a feature.

> 4. we responded to a request from users to add more spam (i.e.
> "success: compilation successfully completed") a few months ago.

Yes, that made me frown a bit.  I think responding to user
requests is very important, however it's equally important
not to implement misguided features.  Judging this is your
task, the user is free to ask for stupid things.

> 0. (meta-question)  do we think that we can resolve this once and
> for all right now

That's what I tried to do.  Fix outputting to stdout (read from stdin
means write to stdout, also have -o - write to stdout); for .svg that
may make sense.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> | GNU LilyPond
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