Colin Campbell <> wrote:

> Thanks for this, Graham!  I've added this to the tracker
> as issue 1711. Can you also provide a test file which
> would demonstrate the problem? I recognise this may not
> be all that easy to do, but it would help in verifying
> the fix.

Here's an example based on one Richard Sabey sent me.

In 2.14.1, the sixth tone sharp g comes out as a flattened
g sharp.  The pitch bend message is 0xe0 0x71 0x2a and the
note-on 0x90 0x38 0x5a.  Without pitch bends, g the
note-on is 0x90 0x37 0x5a, so g is 0x37 not 0x38. The third
byte of the pitch bend should be between 0x30 and 0x50 if
they're minimized.

A one semitone pitch bend is 0x1000.  The f is flat by a
f is flat by a sixth tone or a third of a semitone, so the
LSB of the bend should be (-0x1000/-3)&0x7f or (0x4000 -
0x2000/6)&0x7f, which is either 0x2a or 0x2b depending on
how you round it.  With 2.1.14, it's 0x39 (0xe0 0x39 0x35)
and with the patch it's 0xe0 0x2b 0x35.

\version "2.12.3"

xxxivPitchNames = #`(
	(f . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 3 -1/6))
	(g . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 1/6))
#(ly:parser-set-note-names parser xxxivPitchNames)

	\new Staff { g4 f }
	\midi { }
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