On 7/6/11 1:43 PM, "Keith OHara" <k-ohara5...@oco.net> wrote:

> On Tue, 05 Jul 2011 00:18:21 -0700, Trevor Daniels <t.dani...@treda.co.uk>
> wrote:
>> Carl Sorensen wrote Tuesday, July 05, 2011 7:12 AM
>>> long_variable_name = (first_term
>>>                       + second_term);
>> I prefer this indentation too.  If Emacs users forget
>> the brackets Astyle will indent it, but without the
>> brackets.  Can Astyle/fixcc be made to add brackets
>> to keep Emacs sweet?
> Astyle has no capability to add a pair of () ,
> and I think that's too much to ask of the regular expression filter in fixcc.
> We humans could take care of it ourselves.
> Emacs has a function "c-lineup-assignments" that aligns to the =, even without
> the extra ().  I tried it in emacs and it works great.  However, I do not know
> Lisp well enough to configure the call from fixcc.py properly so that emacs
> indents with "c-lineup-assignments".

If emacs *can* do it the way we want it, and astyle *will* do it the way we
want it, then I think we ought to just go ahead with astyle, and not worry
if an emacs-style reindent gets through occasionally.  After all, we can fix
it with fixcc/astyle.

If we had part of the release process be running fixcc/astyle, we'd have our
code continually cleaned up.

Just my $0.02



> -
> Keith

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