On 07/07/11 18:08, n.putt...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> When we discussed this last year, I argued that it shouldn't be part of
> the Chord_name_engraver.  I still think this approach is misguided since
> we already have a convenient way of generating chord name markup via the
> formatter function.

Except I still think you haven't grasped the point of this ... And I
think you were alone in thinking the formatter function was the right
place. Bear in mind that it would require editing EVERY formatter,
whereas here I am just making a (small) modification to the engraver.
> If you check the archives, you'll see a proof-of-concept patch I posted
> which shows how easy it would be to implement this enhancement in scheme
> via the existing chord name formatting code.

Which I probably didn't understand :-) BUT from what I remember did you
think that feeding a chord of, say, C into the formatter should chuck
out A as its result? Which is NOT what this does - it has to chuck out
both C *and* A. Bear in mind - that for EVERY chord the formatter has to
be run TWICE, so modifying all the formatters to loop will be a pain,
then anybody writing a new formatter has to remember to make it loop,
etc etc.

I really can't understand why having to modify EVERY formatter is better
than having to modify ONE engraver.
> Cheers,
> Neil

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