On Jul 13, 2011, at 4:42 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 11:27 AM, m...@apollinemike.com
> <m...@apollinemike.com> wrote:
>>> Wouldnt it be much easier for the tuplet number's extents  to be
>>> ignored for skyline purposes if there already is an associated tuplet
>>> bracket?
>> That's what the new line 250 of axis-group-interface.cc in the patch does: 
>> it makes sure that the rider grob is not counted in the skyline (I think).
>> The tuplet number sticks out of the tuplet bracket, so it makes sense for 
>> its extent to be combined with that of its carrier (lines 244 and 255 of 
>> axis-group-interface.cc in the patch).
>>> Practically speaking, the tupletnumber adapts its position to the
>>> bracket, so it is best for the implementation to also do this.
>> The idea of the rider grob in this implementation is a generic concept that 
>> would allow for certain grobs (i.e. TupletNumbers) to ride their carriers 
>> (i.e. TupletBrackets) outside of the staff and then subsequently be counted 
>> as part of their carrier's extent instead of as part of the staff extent (or 
>> as another outside-staff grob).
> Can you think of a way to make the impact of this to axis-group code
> minimal?  I think the only thing needed is that the axis-group doesnt
> know about the tuplet number.  You could either not add it to the
> axis-group in the first place, or alternatively, you could remove the
> number from the 'elements list in axis group once you know it is
> irrelevant.
> The number should be parented by the bracket so you get the
> translations for free.

Most of the current patch does the minimal amount of work to get the result.  
Note that this does not mean that this is the ideal way to do it - it is just 
the only way I know how given my understanding of the code.

Added line 199: identifies if a grob should be ignored (is it an 

Added line 240-250 and 255-264: Admittedly code-dupious, so these really do the 
same thing.  I am trying to follow the 
patches-as-tiny-and-self-contained-as-possible policy as strictly as possible, 
especially as I am a cardinal offender in other patches under review.  These 
lines do two things: (1) Add the extent of the tuplet number to the tuplet 
bracket (which I do here instead of in the Y-extent override because it seems 
that it should be temporary); and (2) ignores all rider grobs that have already 
been added into their carriers' extent.

Added lines 653-655, 674-675: Move the rider relative to its carrier.  This is 
the spot where I may be able to get some of the code outside of 
axis-group-interface.cc (thus the "most" in my first sentence).  It seems that 
the best place may be side-position-interface.cc, but the issue in this file is 
that, as I see it, things can be positioned with respect to their parents on 
the left/right/above/below but not in the middle of a grob's control points, 
which is currently where the tuplet number is placed.  Do you think it'd be a 
good idea to modify side-position-interface to do this?  Alternatively, another 
way to get at this may be in the axis-group-interface to change the value of a 
grob's "control-points" property if it has one such that these points are 
shifted by the same amount as the grob.  Does this seem like a good idea?  As 
always, I'll do whatever is most lily-pond-esque.

Lemme know if you see in my explanation anything that seems frivolous/too much, 
and thanks for all of your feedback!

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