Graham Percival wrote Friday, July 22, 2011 12:59 AM

What should we do with potentially sensitive or private matters in
lilypond? I see two possible solutions:

  1. Pick one person to manage private discussions. Whenever
there is a potentially sensitive topic, send an email to that
person. He will then decide who should discuss the issue on an
ad-hoc basis, and forward or CC them on future emails.
  2. Have a private mailing list with a known list of people who
will discuss such matters. That list may still have a single
“secretary” who receives initial emails, but that person will then
have a set list of people to discuss such topics with.

I would be in favour of a fixed private mailing list with publicly
known members to decide a publicly known list of issues,
including the obvious granting/withdrawing git push access,
but probably little else.  Membership should be either Graham,
Han-Wen and Jan, or these three supplemented by two others.
Requests for a private discussion would be sent to this list,
avoiding the single-Graham point of failure.

Other issues which are better discussed in private should be
conducted by an ad hoc group chosen to suit the issue, since
these are likely to be rare and diverse.  The membership of
such groups could be on the list of issues decided on the
private mailing list described above.


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