Results from the official regtests: output is spaced completely differently, albeit it
looks better to me. changes are shown (and with many other tremolo-containing
regtests). The changes are small enough that it's not clear what they are. re-written regtest.
event-listener-output.log: lots and lots more output.
display-lily-tests.log: lots of added lines:
+Test 125 unequal: NOT A BUG.
+in = \oneVoice
+out = {
+ \revert Voice . DotColumn #'direction
+ \revert Voice . Dots #'direction
+ \revert Voice . Fingering #'direction
+ \revert Voice . LaissezVibrerTie #'direction
+ \revert Voice . PhrasingSlur #'direction
+ \revert Voice . RepeatTie #'direction
+ \revert Voice . Rest #'direction
+ \revert Voice . Script #'direction
+ \revert Voice . Slur #'direction
+ \revert Voice . Stem #'direction
+ \revert Voice . TextScript #'direction
+ \revert Voice . Tie #'direction
+ \unset Voice . graceSettings
+ \revert Voice . NoteColumn #'horizontal-shift
+ \revert Voice . MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position
incompatible-stem-warning.log: lots of changed lines: a sample:
warning: adding note head to incompatible stem (type = 1/2)
warning: adding note head to incompatible stem (type = 1/4)
<< c'2
e'1 >>
midi-volume-equaliser.log (and other midi regtests): warnings removed (I've
lost track of whether these are supposed to be there....)
-warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
-warning: remapping modulo 16
-warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
-warning: remapping modulo 16
Otherwise: OK. I'd like to know whether all these are expected, but none
looks like a bug to me so I won't be raising any issues unless someone
Phil Holmes
Bug Squad
lilypond-devel mailing list