On Thu, 28 Jul 2011 05:46:29 -0700, <reinhold.kainho...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 2011/07/26 02:17:28, Keith wrote:
I like it, although I can still get the error if I put a new voice in
the quoted
expression like this:
   quoteMe = \relative c' \new Voice {

Yeah, but then we have a general problem: Which voice do we want to

I would not expect LilyPond to divine the answer to that question,
but it would be nice to avoid exiting the program with
 ERROR: Value out of range: 0

It is interesting, in a good way, how it works with
   << {c4 c} \\ {g g} >>
divisi parts if both parts have the same rhythm,
but I would not encourage that we try to guarantee nor advertise that.

The << \\ >> construct uses two new voices, so none of the notes will be

But somehow your patch quotes them both, showing as a << c g >> in the cue 

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