On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 09:21:26PM +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 9. August 2011, 12:07:12 schrieb Phil Holmes:
> > at them. There are nine warnings from the code compiler:
> And that number is really amazing and absolutely proves my point: Coders PAY 
> attention to warnings and usually fix them in the code they write.
> I would have expected way more compiler warnings in the C++ code!

We probably don't have all the gcc warning options enabled.
Hint: using -Wall does *not* get you all warnings!  (sometimes I
hate gcc)

> so, you really expect us developers to do the following when compiling:
> 1) change some code
> 2) run make
> 3) WAIT until the build is finished (which takes a LONG time)
> 4) find the logfile
> 5) open the logfile
> 6) search the part of the logfile that is about the code you changed
> 7) Check the warnings
> 8) fix them  -> start at 1)

No, of course not.  I was thinking of:
1. change some code
2. make
3. make show-warnings

But more than that, I expect (or at least, hope) that everybody
will take a chill pill and stop talking about the build system.
We are **not** going to be discussing the code-building part of
make for another month or so.

After I've sent my income tax review material (apparently the
Canada Revenue Agency isn't happy with an online-only submission
which involves $20,000+ in tuition fees from a foreign
university!), I will prepare a proposal for the behaviour of
"make doc".

To clarify: we will **only** be discussing "make doc".  Not
"make bin".  Not "make clean".  Not "make".
Talking about anything else is a complete waste of time, because
we will start over from the very beginning in a month.

- Graham

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