Am Mittwoch, 24. August 2011, 18:18:33 schrieben Sie:
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 02:08:41PM +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> > Shall I open a bug report for each regtest where valgrind shows a warning
> > (the guile GC warnings are of course filtered out using a suppressions
> > file)?
> I wouldn't be surprised if you get some duplicate bugs, though --
> I mean, if there was one line in the slur code that produced a
> memory error, I'd expect it to show up in dozens of regtests.

You'd be surprised: With the --disable-optimising configure option, there are 
basically just two relevant warnings!

One in and one in I'm attaching my 
suppressions file and the output of valgrind.

I have the following alias in my ~/.bashrc (or rather in ~/.aliases, which I 
source from .bashrc):
alias valgrind-ly='valgrind --trace-children=yes --
suppressions=/home/reinhold/lilypond/guile_supp --track-origins=yes --num-
callers=25 lilypond '

Then call valgrind in input/regression/ as:

There is, however, one caveat with the suppressions: Some uninitialized 
variables might be handled to guile (e.g. scm_from_int) and they will only 
show up as uninitialized variables in the garbage collection handling.

The (suppressed) output would then look something like:
»« wird verarbeitet
==14418== Use of uninitialised value of size 4
==14418==    at 0x827C877: Stencil::mark_smob(scm_unused_struct*) 
==14418==    by 0x409F48B: scm_gc_mark (in /usr/lib/
==14418==    by 0x409F639: scm_mark_locations (in /usr/lib/
==14418==    by 0x40F6001: scm_threads_mark_stacks (in 
Text_interface::interpret_string(scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*, 
scm_unused_struct*) (
==14418==    by 0x8290045: 
Text_interface::interpret_markup(scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*, 
scm_unused_struct*) (
==14418==  Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation
==14418==    at 0x828FA36: 
Text_interface::interpret_string(scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*, 
scm_unused_struct*) (

I don't see whether in this case where are some uninitialized values in the 
lilypond code, though.

Such a case were the uninitialized variables that I fixed yesterday, which 
were immediately passed to scm_from_int and triggered the warning only in the 
GC. Unfortunately, most warnings in the GC are really from guile.

An optimized build basically gives basically the same warnings.


Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,





==28412== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==28412== Copyright (C) 2002-2010, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==28412== Using Valgrind-3.6.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==28412== Command: /home/reinhold/.bin/lilypond
==28412== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==28412== Copyright (C) 2002-2010, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==28412== Using Valgrind-3.6.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==28412== Command: /home/reinhold/lilypond/lilypond/out/bin/lilypond --relocate
GNU LilyPond 2.15.9
»« wird verarbeitet
Interpretation der Musik...
Vorverarbeitung der grafischen Elemente...==28412== Invalid read of size 4
==28412==    at 0x8074823: 
==28412==    by 0x4090F18: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4097807: scm_apply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4099160: scm_call_1 (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x812748A: Grob::try_callback_on_alist(scm_unused_struct**, 
scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*) (
==28412==    by 0x81271D6: Grob::internal_get_property(scm_unused_struct*) 
const (
==28412==    by 0x8073D5A: 
Axis_group_interface::part_of_line_pure_height(Grob*, bool, int, int) 
==28412==    by 0x8073F23: 
Axis_group_interface::begin_of_line_pure_height(Grob*, int) 
==28412==    by 0x8073B6F: 
Axis_group_interface::sum_partial_pure_heights(Grob*, int, int) 
==28412==    by 0x8074E97: Axis_group_interface::relative_pure_height(Grob*, 
int, int) (
==28412==    by 0x8077C6C: Axis_group_interface::pure_group_height(Grob*, int, 
int) (
==28412==    by 0x8131A7D: 
Hara_kiri_group_spanner::pure_height(scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*, 
scm_unused_struct*) (
==28412==    by 0x4091397: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x409476A: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x40914E9: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4097807: scm_apply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x409898B: scm_apply_0 (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x8127800: call_pure_function(scm_unused_struct*, 
scm_unused_struct*, int, int) (
==28412==    by 0x8127304: Grob::internal_get_pure_property(scm_unused_struct*, 
int, int) const (
==28412==    by 0x8120300: Grob::pure_height(Grob*, int, int) (
==28412==    by 0x805FD51: get_skylines(Grob*, std::vector<Grob*, 
std::allocator<Grob*> >*, Axis, bool, int, int, std::vector<Skyline_pair, 
std::allocator<Skyline_pair> >*) (
==28412==    by 0x8060349: 
Align_interface::internal_get_minimum_translations(Grob*, std::vector<Grob*, 
std::allocator<Grob*> > const&, Axis, bool, bool, int, int) 
==28412==    by 0x8060104: 
Align_interface::get_pure_minimum_translations(Grob*, std::vector<Grob*, 
std::allocator<Grob*> > const&, Axis, int, int) (
==28412==    by 0x8060E22: Align_interface::get_pure_child_y_translation(Grob*, 
Grob*, int, int) (
==28412==    by 0x811FC7D: Grob::pure_relative_y_coordinate(Grob const*, int, 
int) (
==28412==  Address 0x74f8500 is 0 bytes after a block of size 8 alloc'd
==28412==    at 0x402641D: operator new(unsigned int) (vg_replace_malloc.c:255)
==28412==    by 0x80CCDDF: __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<unsigned 
int>::allocate(unsigned int, void const*) (new_allocator.h:89)
==28412==    by 0x80CB593: std::_Vector_base<unsigned int, 
std::allocator<unsigned int> >::_M_allocate(unsigned int) (in 
==28412==    by 0x80C9C86: std::_Vector_base<unsigned int, 
std::allocator<unsigned int> >::_Vector_base(unsigned int, 
std::allocator<unsigned int> const&) (stl_vector.h:113)
==28412==    by 0x80C7BC8: std::vector<unsigned int, std::allocator<unsigned 
int> >::vector(std::vector<unsigned int, std::allocator<unsigned int> > const&) 
==28412==    by 0x81DD944: Paper_score::get_break_ranks() const 
==28412==    by 0x80744DC: 
==28412==    by 0x4090F18: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4097807: scm_apply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4099160: scm_call_1 (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x812748A: Grob::try_callback_on_alist(scm_unused_struct**, 
scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*) (
==28412==    by 0x81271D6: Grob::internal_get_property(scm_unused_struct*) 
const (
==28412==    by 0x8073D5A: 
Axis_group_interface::part_of_line_pure_height(Grob*, bool, int, int) 
==28412==    by 0x8073F23: 
Axis_group_interface::begin_of_line_pure_height(Grob*, int) 
==28412==    by 0x8073B6F: 
Axis_group_interface::sum_partial_pure_heights(Grob*, int, int) 
==28412==    by 0x8074E97: Axis_group_interface::relative_pure_height(Grob*, 
int, int) (
==28412==    by 0x8077C6C: Axis_group_interface::pure_group_height(Grob*, int, 
int) (
==28412==    by 0x8131A7D: 
Hara_kiri_group_spanner::pure_height(scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*, 
scm_unused_struct*) (
==28412==    by 0x4091397: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x409476A: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x40914E9: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4097807: scm_apply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x409898B: scm_apply_0 (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x8127800: call_pure_function(scm_unused_struct*, 
scm_unused_struct*, int, int) (
==28412==    by 0x8127304: Grob::internal_get_pure_property(scm_unused_struct*, 
int, int) const (

Ideale Seitenanzahl wird gefunden...
Musik wird auf eine Seite angepasst...
Systeme erstellen...
Layout nach »« ausgeben...
Konvertierung nach »./grid-lines.pdf«...
»« wird verarbeitet
Interpretation der Musik...
Vorverarbeitung der grafischen Elemente...==28412== Invalid read of size 4
==28412==    at 0x829C447: 
std::allocator<Item*> >, Direction, int) (
==28412==    by 0x829D3F2: 
std::allocator<Item*> >, Direction) (
==28412==    by 0x829DD64: 
Tie_formatting_problem::from_semi_ties(std::vector<Grob*, std::allocator<Grob*> 
> const&, Direction) (
==28412==    by 0x82232F6: 
==28412==    by 0x4090F18: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4097807: scm_apply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4099160: scm_call_1 (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x812748A: Grob::try_callback_on_alist(scm_unused_struct**, 
scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*) (
==28412==    by 0x81271D6: Grob::internal_get_property(scm_unused_struct*) 
const (
==28412==    by 0x8295245: Tie::calc_direction(scm_unused_struct*) (
==28412==    by 0x4090F18: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4097807: scm_apply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4099160: scm_call_1 (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x812748A: Grob::try_callback_on_alist(scm_unused_struct**, 
scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*) (
==28412==    by 0x81271D6: Grob::internal_get_property(scm_unused_struct*) 
const (
==28412==    by 0x8222B40: Semi_tie::calc_control_points(scm_unused_struct*) 
==28412==    by 0x4090F18: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4097807: scm_apply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4099160: scm_call_1 (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x812748A: Grob::try_callback_on_alist(scm_unused_struct**, 
scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*) (
==28412==    by 0x81271D6: Grob::internal_get_property(scm_unused_struct*) 
const (
==28412==    by 0x8295F4B: Tie::print(scm_unused_struct*) (
==28412==    by 0x40932FC: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x40914E9: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4097807: scm_apply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==  Address 0xcbaf99c is 0 bytes after a block of size 4 alloc'd
==28412==    at 0x402641D: operator new(unsigned int) (vg_replace_malloc.c:255)
==28412==    by 0x8099C79: __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<int>::allocate(unsigned 
int, void const*) (new_allocator.h:89)
==28412==    by 0x8099B41: std::_Vector_base<int, std::allocator<int> 
>::_M_allocate(unsigned int) (in 
==28412==    by 0x809978E: std::__flower_vector<int, std::allocator<int> 
>::_M_insert_aux(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<int*, std::__flower_vector<int, 
std::allocator<int> > >, int const&) (vector.tcc:322)
==28412==    by 0x809955C: std::__flower_vector<int, std::allocator<int> 
>::push_back(int const&) (stl_vector.h:749)
==28412==    by 0x826D1EF: Stem::note_head_positions(Grob*) (
==28412==    by 0x829C431: 
std::allocator<Item*> >, Direction, int) (
==28412==    by 0x829D3F2: 
std::allocator<Item*> >, Direction) (
==28412==    by 0x829DD64: 
Tie_formatting_problem::from_semi_ties(std::vector<Grob*, std::allocator<Grob*> 
> const&, Direction) (
==28412==    by 0x82232F6: 
==28412==    by 0x4090F18: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4097807: scm_apply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4099160: scm_call_1 (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x812748A: Grob::try_callback_on_alist(scm_unused_struct**, 
scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*) (
==28412==    by 0x81271D6: Grob::internal_get_property(scm_unused_struct*) 
const (
==28412==    by 0x8295245: Tie::calc_direction(scm_unused_struct*) (
==28412==    by 0x4090F18: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4097807: scm_apply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4099160: scm_call_1 (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x812748A: Grob::try_callback_on_alist(scm_unused_struct**, 
scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*) (
==28412==    by 0x81271D6: Grob::internal_get_property(scm_unused_struct*) 
const (
==28412==    by 0x8222B40: Semi_tie::calc_control_points(scm_unused_struct*) 
==28412==    by 0x4090F18: scm_dapply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4097807: scm_apply (in /usr/lib/
==28412==    by 0x4099160: scm_call_1 (in /usr/lib/

Ideale Seitenanzahl wird gefunden...
Musik wird auf eine Seite angepasst...
Systeme erstellen...
Layout nach »« ausgeben...
Konvertierung nach »./laissez-vibrer-tie-beam.pdf«...
Erfolg: Kompilation erfolgreich beendet
==28412== HEAP SUMMARY:
==28412==     in use at exit: 90,746,815 bytes in 28,167 blocks
==28412==   total heap usage: 209,091 allocs, 180,924 frees, 110,434,134 bytes 
==28412== LEAK SUMMARY:
==28412==    definitely lost: 10,617 bytes in 35 blocks
==28412==    indirectly lost: 20,028 bytes in 952 blocks
==28412==      possibly lost: 287,932 bytes in 895 blocks
==28412==    still reachable: 90,428,238 bytes in 26,285 blocks
==28412==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==28412== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==28412== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==28412== ERROR SUMMARY: 3 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 36941 from 92)
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