For Friday, August 26 (and where did the Summer go?)

Issue 509 <>: collision nested tuplet numbers - R Issue 4808082 <>: Prevents nested tuplets from colliding.

Issue 1328 <>: Slurs collides with fermata - R Issue 4860042 <>: Does better polynomial calculations for avoid objects.

Issue 1816 <>: Lilypond-book music runs off right side of the page - R Issue 4888046 <>: Fix 1816: Lilypond-Book:

Issue 1735 <>: modifying default behaviour of tremolo slashes - R Issue 4636081 <>: modifying default behaviour of tremolo slashes

Issue 1787 <>: Hide ends of barlines inside staff lines. - R Issue 4809057 <>: Ends of barlines are hidden in staff lines

Issue 1742 <>: print transposed guitar chords on piano sheets - R Issue 4800051 <>

Issue 1688 <>: New half-closed hihat symbol for drum mode - R Issue 4714043 <>

Of the 14 patches for review, 6 are less than 48 hours old and too young to be on this list, and the oldest of those above is Aug. 9, the rest being within the last 4 days. Great work, developers!


The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.
-- Mark Twain

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