On Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 08:17:44PM +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 6. September 2011, 19:20:05 schrieb Graham Percival:
> > What about just using environment variables, $LILYPOND_GIT and
> > $LILYPOND_MEDIA_GIT, then telling the user to set up these
> > variables by themselves?  (potentially after googling for help)
> > That feels like a more "unix-y" solution to me.  :)
> Wait a second, why would we need those at all? If the codebases are 
> completely 
> separate, one shouldn't depend on the other. And the build already knows the 
> source dir, so we don't need any pointer in an env variable.
> Or am I misunderstanding something here? What exactly depends on the source 
> being in ~/lilypond-git?

The trivial example is the ability to copy&paste build
instructions from the CG, namely:


cd ~/lilypond-git/
sh autogen.sh --noconfigure
mkdir -p build/
cd build/

cd ~/lilypond-git/build/

cd ~/lilypond-git/build/
make doc

Also, the lily-git.tcl script needs to know where the git
repository is; we do *not* want to require that this script is run
from inside the source directory.

Switching to the web-media repository now:
A more sophisticated example, and one which pretty much only
affects me and maybe 2 or 3 other people, is the ability to
recreate the website exactly as it is on lilypond.org.

You can create a website with images by doing
  make doc
  make website
but that's not how we do stuff on the webserver -- we can't
compile lilypond on there.  So instead, I compile images on my
computer and upload it once or twice a year.  Skim these

I want to enable anybody to test something with the exact same
setup as the website; instead of me running rsync myself, I want
to have a repository for those images.  Then (in theory) anybody
can update the example images, instead of requiring my personal

We also (currently) have some material which is *only* on the
website, like the PDF publications (Erik's thesis, Han-Wen and
Jan's papers, hopefully Mike's ICMC 2011 paper, etc).  It doesn't
make sense to put them in the main lilypond git repo, but I'd like
to have them in a repository somewhere.  That's something else to
dump into the web-media repository.

I suppose that somebody could make the case that those pdf files,
and any other web media which is not compiled directly from
lilypond git, really must be in the main lilypond git repository.
I have some amount of sympathy for this attitude, but I think it's
going overboard.  I'm not opposed to an optional
--with-web-media-dir= option to ../configure, though.

- Graham

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