2011/9/13  <bordage.bertr...@gmail.com>:
> http://codereview.appspot.com/4639065/diff/13002/ly/engraver-init.ly#newcode1063
>> ly/engraver-init.ly:1063: \override Stem #'thickness = #2
>> I'd make them just a bit thinner, perhaps 1.8.  I think that 2 might
>> get too thick with smaller font-size (as font-size decreases,
>> the relative thickness increases).
> You're right, I'll do that. Do you want to make a patch that sets some
> other parameters for the PetrucciStaff?

No, i have little experience with ancient music and therefore i don't
have any more ideas what could use some fine-tuning.

...actually, one things comes to my mind: staffline thickness.  It may
be worth considering to make them a bit thicker.
In that case, the tail of longa note should be thickened a bit, too
(from 1.3 to 1.4 linethickness?).  In fact, they may be thickened even
if we don't change PetrucciStaff's linethickness.

> http://codereview.appspot.com/4639065/diff/13002/mf/parmesan-noteheads.mf#newcode272
>> mf/parmesan-noteheads.mf:272: nm_red_holeheight := 2.5 linethickness;
>> I'd make this 3 linethickness.
> That's what I tried at first, but this strangely looks more readable
> with 2.5. But I haven't yet compared printed results of different sizes,
> so you're maybe right.

That's surprising...  I may try to print a test file myself,
but i can't promise anything since i don't have good enough
printer and therefore would need to go find a print shop first.

> http://codereview.appspot.com/4639065/diff/13002/mf/parmesan-noteheads.mf#newcode329
>> mf/parmesan-noteheads.mf:329: nm_width := staff_space#;
>> if these are the height and width of half and quarter
>> noteheads, i'd make them very slightly bigger - something like
>> nm_height := 1.1 noteheight#;
>> nm_width := 1.05 staff_space#;
> Do you know what neomensural and mensural styles are inspired of? I
> always thought these notes were tiny, but it's maybe intended. As I am
> not an expert, I kept the shapes as is, but a rebuild would be great
> since we could get rid of draw_diamond_head (and finally have good
> ancient fonts).

Well, my suggestion of increasing their size a bit was based on the
scanned example you provided.  In that example quarter and half
noteheads look roughly as big as breve and longa noteheads, while the
current version of your patch makes them smaller.

> Anyway, the next steps will be (in order) to redesign the ancient rests,
> accidentals, clefs, time signatures and flags. Do I count you in?

Yes!  doing font stuff can be fun :)

James: all regtest differencies seem desired to me.


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