Am Saturday, 17. September 2011, 16:50:33 schrieben Sie:
> I'd like to change (and add) some minor things in musicxml2ly, but before I
> make a patch I wanted to make sure that no-one objects:
> 1) tagline: musicxml2ly currently uses the contents of  the
> <software>-element for the LilyPond-tagline. So the tagline at the end of
> a piece engraved by LilyPond actually contains information as to the
> encoding software of the .xml-file. As this information is also saved in a
> custom LilyPond-variable named "encodingsoftware" and the converted file
> is actually engraved by LilyPond I'd suggest to comment out/delete the
> following line in musicxml2ly in order to print out the standard
> LilyPond-tagline (Music engraving by LilyPond...):
>     set_if_exists ('tagline', ids.get_encoding_software ())


> 2) conversion info: right now the conversion info at the top of the
> generated .ly-file says e.g.:
>     % automatically converted from filename
> I'd like to change that to:
>     % automatically converted with musicxml2ly from filename

Sounds fine.

> 3) <source>-element: musicxml2ly currently doesn't know the
> <source>-element. I'd like to add it.

What would be the conversion result of a <source> element?

> 4) MIDI: musicxml2ly currently automatically comments out the midi-output
> in the generated .ly-files. Why not leave it in by default?

If the user is interested, he can always add \midi{} himself. By default, 
lilypond doesn't create midi, so it makes sense to me to not add midi by 
default in musicxml2ly, either.

You might add a cmd line option to create a midi block (and a layout block to 
make sure a pdf is created, too).


Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,

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