On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 07:05:04AM -0600, Colin Campbell wrote:
> The remaining case is where there are no comments when a countdown
> expires.  I've been taking that as silence implying consent, but
> with no assurance that anyone has actually reviewed the patch.

Yes, that's correct.  Think of the question in marriage
ceremonies: "if anybody knows of a reason why these two should not
be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.".

Despite what one reads[1] in trashy romance novels, that question
is mostly ceremonial -- nobody actually expects an objection.
That's supposed to happen when you're still dating.  So think of
Patch-review as dating, and Patch-countdown as a marriage
ceremony.  :)

(but don't delay the countdown just because they've only been
dating for a few hours; if there's space left on the countdown,
might as well go for it.  I guess the analogy kind-of breaks down

[1] *cough* I mean, theoretically.  Based on what I've heard.  I'm
not an expert on the subject.

- Graham

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