On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 09:25:45PM -0600, Colin Campbell wrote:
> I'm solidly with Janek here, Graham.  As it sits, a person wanting
> to follow the trail of a (bug/issue/enhancement request) has to find
> the thing on two separate web-sites, where developers log in despite
> your comment above, using two different tracking numbers and
> possibly two different descriptions.  The curious person also has to
> read -devel and -bug to be sure nothing relevant was sent mail-list
> only.

Yep.  I'd describe it as three websites, though -- the email
archives being the third.   And even then, the discussion may very
well span multiple email lists (start off on -user, migrate to
bug-, then to -devel?).

It's a royal mess.

> No doubt it would be a wrench converting to a code management
> system, but I firmly believe the benefits from having all relevant
> material, discussions, patches and reviews, in a single place, are
> immediately large, and that although there is no way to quantify it
> but one can reasonably expect it, a synergy will develop where
> unexpected things happen as a result of seeing a bigger picture.

Any ideas on how to deal with people who only want to deal with

Suppose that we switch to a unified issue+patch tool.  Then
suppose that somebody posts patch, an automatic email is sent out,
and I quickly reply to that email saying "nice idea, but it won't
work because XYZ, but you can work around that by adding this one
line of code ABC" because I need to go teach a class in 2 minutes,
but I knew I had the solution right away and wanted to let the
person know.

What happens to that email?

- somebody manually adds is to the unified tool?
- somebody tells me to screw off for not "playing ball"?
- everybody pretends that email didn't exist, and spends hours
  trying to figure out ABC?

For better or worse, the open-source community has a huge history
of development via email.  We simply cannot survive if we break
with that.

Now, some tools will automatically accept replies via email; we've
had mixed success doing that with tracker issues and Rietveld
discussions.  If somebody can step forward with a tool that
provides flawless support for email, I guess it's worth

My vague recollection is that the google project tools have easy
support for email as long as everybody is using google accounts.
Not just "have access to a google account", but "is using the
email address associated with their google account".  I suppose
it's not so much of a big step to require this for lilypond
developers -- but on the other hand, I'm concerned that we're
getting too far away from the ideals of a GNU project.  I
generally don't have a lot of patience for the more hard-line FSF
people, but even I'm getting worried about the direction we're

- Graham

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