2011/9/24 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>:
> I don't see this "proposal" (really more of "a set of musings")
> going anywhere.  There's been a bunch of ideas:
>  - tool X, tool Y
>  - make better use of our current tools
>  - do a survey of what other projects do
> but nothing has made a significant amount of people go "yeah, that
> the right direction to move in!".
> If somebody is feeling optimistic about the discussion and thinks
> I'm totally off-base on this, we can talk about that... but I'm
> thinking that it needs some serious thought and energy, and at the
> moment I think I should be putting my energy towards removing pain
> points in our development for which we've already agreed on what
> to do.

Please give me a few more days to fiddle with Google Code review
sandbox set up by Carl.  I was busy and didn't tested it yet, but i'm
planning to do so.

2011/9/24 Peekay Ex <pkx1...@gmail.com>:
> There seems to be four basic cases of how 'stuff' gets created in this regard.
> 1. Email from person (I'd like LP to do this, or LP breaks when you do X)
> 2. Rietveld issue with no tracker
> 3. Tracker issue with no Rietveld (usually RFEs or Devs/experienced
> users who spot a bug)
> 4. Rietveld and Tracker are created at the same time

I think that
1) should be forwarded to bug- and converted into an issue by Bug Squad,
3) (problems without solution) are ok,
2) should not exist (i.e. a tracker issue should be added immediately)
4) is my favourite way of doing things :)

After some thinking my opinion is what we really need is a code review
tool that allows to see all issues related to LilyPond, give them
labels (like patch-push etc). attach images to comments (to illustrate
how regtests fail for example).  Then we could move all patch-related
discussions and activity to that place, instead of spreading it
between Rietveld and Google tracker.  Here's a perfect counterexample:
Notice how Piers wasn't initially aware of the tracker issue
(http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1193#c21) and how
currently things are out of sync, which prohibits me from taking
action (http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1193#c24 ,
http://codereview.appspot.com/4974075/#msg16) and confuses James'
testing (http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1193#c25).


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