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File Documentation/topdocs/AUTHORS.texi (right):
Documentation/topdocs/AUTHORS.texi:13: @include ../macros.itexi
On 2011/09/30 11:41:50, Graham Percival wrote:
this should be taken care of with the texinfo -I includedir stuff.
Which target
does it fail with?  I'll fix that .make file.

Without the change, make fails on the second doc build, after the first
one created a AUTHORS.dep file which links to macros.itexi: this file is
not found by make in the current directory, since it is in the parent
directory. I don't know if you can pass something like a -I switch to
make. In any case I think it is better to be explicit about what we are
including here.
File stepmake/stepmake/texinfo-rules.make (right):
stepmake/stepmake/texinfo-rules.make:28: sed -ne
"/^@include[[:space:]]/s/@include/.\/$(subst /,\/,$@):/p" $< >> $(subst
On 2011/09/30 12:17:12, Reinhold wrote:
Shouldn't we do this in a separate rule to create the .dep file?

For .tely files you run lilypond-book to produce the output .texi file
and a .dep file is created as a byproduct. This is the same thing. Is
there a use-case for specific .dep targets?
stepmake/stepmake/texinfo-rules.make:28: sed -ne
"/^@include[[:space:]]/s/@include/.\/$(subst /,\/,$@):/p" $< >> $(subst
On 2011/09/30 12:17:12, Reinhold wrote:
This also does not work with nested includes.

If there is a .dep file for the included file, which should be the case
after this patch, then everything is being tracked by make, isn't it?

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