On Sun, Oct 02, 2011 at 02:50:12PM +0200, Julien Rioux wrote:
> I had a look at website.make, and it strikes me as a shell script
> written in make.

That's quite a fair assesement.

> You of course have loops in make, attached you find a short rewrite
> of that particular snippet. I can probably reduce it to even fewer
> targets and make it simpler. If you want me to, I can look at the
> whole file to makeify it.

Looks nice, and it seems to work, but I'm not certain that I
follow all the steps.  More comments?  :)

- line 107 has an extra trailing )
- comments like lines 105 and 109 should probably read "get xrefs
  for english te?? manuals"
- I'm not certain if web is "a little bit special" (line 119) or
  not.  My initial instinct is that it's not special in this

- Graham

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