On Mon, 07 Nov 2011 11:36:09 -0800, m...@apollinemike.com 
<m...@apollinemike.com> wrote:

On Nov 7, 2011, at 10:46 AM, Keith OHara wrote:

I had not realized that the results of the pure-from-neighbor system influence 
the page-spacing.

I misspoke - in this case, it does not.  But it does potentially add unwanted 
horizontal space.

\new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff \relative c {
   \override TextScript #'extra-spacing-width = ##f
   \repeat unfold 52 { dis4 dis dis dis^"foo bar" }
\new Staff \repeat unfold 52 R1 >>

Build this with the most current version of my patch and the text script won't 
elongate the measure (it did with older versions of my patch, but your comments 
made me realize a flaw in the way the interface worked, so thank you!).

Now, if someone overrides TextScript's 'extra-spacing-width like this, he 
probably /intends/ to change the horizontal spacing.  Do you plan to remove 
'extra-spacing-width in the near future?

The concept of what constitutes a "neighbor" is getting complicated.  
Horizontal spacing will change based on complicated details which will surprise me when I 
forget how it works (in about a week) :

\new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff \repeat unfold 5 R1
\new Staff {
   \override TextScript #'extra-spacing-width = ##f
   dis4 dis dis dis^"sliding-over" |
   dis4 dis dis dis^"sliding-over-not" |
   R1*2 f''1 } >>

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