Ok, I need some pointers here.  In order to make this work compatibly at
the lowest level, articulations need to behave differently depending on
whether they are on note events that are children of an EventChord
(which all of them are currently) or not.

Ok, so now since I don't actually have a clue, the following are
basically buzzwords that I imagine could be in some relation to reality.

So articulations basically need to announce themselves as two event
types, and an EventChord installs a listener for the first type and
routes those events to per-note/notehead engravers.  And if no
EventChord actually is listening, they announce themselves as music
events (i.e., not tied to a particular note) and get typeset in that

I have no clue about what I need to install where and how to get this
working, and where I would find information for doing that.  But it
sounds like this is the sort of level where making the distinction
between articulations on single notes inside of a chord, and
articulations on a chord (or note) as a whole should really be done if
one wants a non-tricky logically consistent behavior for making c-. and
<c>-. equivalent and different from <c-.>.

And I am pretty much stuck here at the moment.


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