On Jan 3, 2012, at 2:20 PM, Colin Campbell wrote:

> On 12-01-02 09:15 PM, Carl Sorensen wrote:
>> Graham Percival<graham<at>  percival-music.ca>  writes:
>>> On Sun, Jan 01, 2012 at 08:43:05PM +0000, Carl Sorensen wrote:
>>>> I have made one change to the spec files (the location of netpm
>>>> on lilypond.org has changed), and I did a couple of manual
>>>> downloads, so I'm not sure yet that GUB is ready to build
>>>> out-of-the-box.  But I have demonstrated that I can get all the
>>>> way through it.
>>> Eh?  I regularly build GUB out-of-the-box on lilydev [*].  What
>>> exactly do you think you need to do?
>> Well, I tried building GUB on 11.04, unsuccessfully (I have a file that
>> kept a record of everything I did, if anybody is interested).
>> Then I tried on lilydev in a virtual machine, and was also unsuccessful.
>> I didn't keep a good record of what happened at that time.
>> So then I tried with a fresh copy of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.  I was able
>> to work everything out and get it to build.  I will probably try to
>> summarize the efforts in the miscellaneous part of the CG.
>>> In particular, what's this
>>> netpbm thing?
>> The source for netpbm on lilypon.org is
>> http://lilypond.org/download/gub-sources/netpbm-patched/
>> netpbm-patched-10.35.tar.bz2.
>> The source entry in gub/gub/specs/netpbm.py is
>> http://lilypond.org/download/gub-sources/netpbm-patched-10.35.tar.bz2
>> When the download doesn't succeed, no error is thrown.  So as long as you
>> have the file when it comes time to extract it, you can go ahead.  But if
>> the file isn't there, you end up with an error.
>> I've made a patch that fixes it and will send it to you.

I decided to download GUB and I think I've compiled everything (it ran for 
several hours and did not complain).
I have no clue how it works, though.  Is there any documentation beside the 
README?  The thing I understand least are the patches - are the patches in the 
patches file hand-written or auto-generated?

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