On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 01:04:06PM +0100, m...@apollinemike.com wrote:
>  *** Stage: package (lilypond-doc, linux-x86)
> invoking false
> Command barfed: false

This might be related to Carl's suggestion that GUB cannot
correctly download netpbm / samba / rsync / something like that.
I've never noticed that problem, but then again I've never stared
at the detailed output from GUB, and I always have those installed
on my main OS anyway.

When I'm back in Glasgow (leaving in 3 hours, probably at
university at about noon on Friday), I'll try a full GUB
download+rebuild from scratch, and check the output.

For now, if you haven't already done so, try installing the extra
packages that Carl suggested.

- Graham

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