Am 04.01.2012 19:59, schrieb James:
On 4 January 2012 18:55, James<>  wrote:

On 4 January 2012 18:32, Vaylor Trucks<>  wrote:
I have been using lilypond for years for my own projects and have recently
introduced it to a friend of mine.  He is a drum instructor and has been reading
drum notation for many years.  He's pointed out some things that are
non-standard about the way lilypond handles some drum notation tasks.  Most of
these I have been able to correct using a #(define block.  There are, however,
some things I have not yet been able to crack.

First, for hi-hat, the notation for open and closed are correct, but for the
half-open he would like to appear exactly like the open hi-hat notation, except
the "o" above the stem of the note needs to have a single slash through it.

Also, the note head for a China cymbal he notes by having a standard cross note
head, but with a box around it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction for making these changes?
I have no experience of doing this but you might want to start here

The percussion notes are all here:
I've just noticed that most of the note heads on

here are semibreves insetad of I assume lots of crosses and circles etc.

The PDF from 2.15.22 also show this.

Can someone verify this?

In the documentation, namely


the notes are defined as whole notes:

\drummode {

   bda1^\markup { \center-align "acousticbassdrum: bda" }

As whole notes make not much sense in percussion parts IMHO,
a change to

should Do The Right Thing (tm).


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