On Jan 11, 2012, at 12:53 PM, janek.lilyp...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> could you add some comments to the code and/or commit message explaining
> what it does?  I've read whole patch and i don't understand what happens
> here, except that it's some kind of XML identifier.
> tia,
> Janek

Hey Janek,

The idea is to have a property of Grob, DOM-id, that results in the creation of 
two stencils that enclose the visual representation of the grob in a DOM node.  
These two stencils bookend all other stencils that comprise the grob.

Currently, the only DOM-friendly lilypond backend is svg.  Because a grob's 
visual representation may have more than one stencil, all of the stencils need 
to be contained in a node that has this id.  In svg speak, this is <g 
id="foo"></g>(in html it would be <div id="foo"></div>).

So, your intuition is right - all it is is an XML identifier.  Nothing actually 
"happens" as far as layout goes.  It's just useful for people who harvest data 
from DOM-friendly documents that lilypond generates to do strange things with 

I'm not sure how/where to include this info in the source: if you can think of 
a good way to phrase it that would make sense to other people, I'd be happy to 
include it in the patch.

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