Trevor Daniels wrote Wednesday, January 11, 2012 6:49 PM

To carry things to their logical conclusion I'm installing MikTeX to
see if it is possible to make Reinhold's code work as intended on
Windows.  Even if it does, I could not recommend downloading
167Mbytes of MikTeX just to pick up these values automatically.

Well, MikTex contains texi2dvi.exe, so I renamed this to texi2pdf.exe
and added its directory to the MinGW path.  lilypond-book and
Reinhold's code then seems to work correctly, provided I comment
out the _sleep call in and use the following command in line 208 of

   cmd = '%s -c -p %s' % (global_options.texinfo_program, tmpfile);

As the sleep call in is a hack to satisfy Solaris this should anyway be bypassed for other platforms, so I've changed my mind -
this seems a reasonable change to make.

I'm now going to reinstall 2.15.25, make exactly these changes, and
try again to double-check this is adequate.  The changes would then
need to be bracketed with a test for the platform.


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